I don’t get how this is so hard for people! I don’t care if someone is left wing or right wing everyone wants to throw everything on school’s shoulders! It is so god damn annoying. “I only learned how to find the square root of x not how to balance a check book!” hur hur hur. Shut the fuck up. If you can’t tell this is going to be a super angry post.
For those that don’t get it. School is supposed to teach you academics. School should not teach you life skills. This is because school is an academic environment. You should learn life skills from your parents, family, or community out reach programs. “Well, I am not lucky to have both my parents!” Cool. Neither did I. You know what I did? I asked my uncle, aunt, grandma, occasionally my mom, and I even faked as being interested in Christianity to go to church outreach programs to learn skills. Just because you have half a deck doesn’t mean you can’t play.
My story? My dad went to prison when I was young and my mom was always working. When she wasn’t working she usually spent her time depressed watching TV and eating ice cream. Am I upset at her? Back then I was. As an adult I understand more of what she was going through and honestly have forgiven her.
So when I needed to learn to sew? I asked my grandmother. When I needed sex advice? I asked any family member to be honest but my uncle gave me a lot of advice. When I needed advice on growing up as a man? Uncle. To get my driving permit? Aunt helped me get it. Learning to repair and random stuff? Church outreach programs. I did not have the best of hands dealt to me, but I managed to learn stuff through other means because I didn’t have both of my parents.
Why shouldn’t the school teach this instead? Because it is fucking academics. You don’t go to your parents to learn algebra. You don’t go to your priest for that either. You go to them for life advice and skills. Many parents don’t want to teach this stuff and want the schools to do it. Kids since my age group have grown used to the school’s raising us that many people my age bitch about schools not teaching us to be adults. No shit. The school isn’t our parents.
A prime example is sex education. TEACH YOUR KIDS SEX EDUCATION! You have no idea who is teaching your kids sex education. Like South Park once famously said,”Your kids can be learning from someone who has never had sex, has a warped view on sex, or is a sick pervert.” All of which are very valid. For those that don’t know. In the US 1 out of 10 kids are molested by teachers. This is an actual study done by the US. If anything, having a pervert teach your child sex education is the easiest way to get away with it. They’re just “teaching”.
Don’t approve of school teaching a certain curriculum? Too bad. It is being taught. Do you want your kid to understand how to have safe sex? Then you have to teach them. STDs? Can’t rely on schools. Hell, my friend had a sex ed teacher who kept showing deformed dicks in class due to STDs that my friend was scared of sex for years. My sex ed teacher just said “wait ’till marriage”. What fucking knowledge is that? I was then tested over it.
School is also an awful way to learn life skills. Why? Because when you get too many people together it decreases the chances of questions being asked. Which is why ever since school’s have taken over sex education in the US sex knowledge is on a decline. If it is a one on one you feel safe asking questions. As more people show up you are afraid of sounding dumb. Which ends up with a class never asking questions even though no one knows. In my calculus class this was such a problem that I would ask questions I knew the answer to just so people would feel comfortable asking questions.
“Well I don’t have family.” Church? Community out reach programs? I know most community out reach programs are gone but it is important we petition to bring these back with funding. Community out reach programs help us a lot. Sure the person could be a pervert like a teacher but most community out reach programs are people in your immediate community. Where as a lot of teachers drive from all over to work. Church is the exact same but even more smaller of an community.
Why does everyone want school to teach anything anyways? Do you really want to get tested on how to balance a check book? Which is just basic addition and subtraction; for you people who keep bitching about math being worthless. School does not actually foster a good learning environment because we constantly have to succeed. There is no trial and error when it comes to tests and homework. You fail or pass based on your immediate knowledge. Save My Dears came with a lot of failures. Hell, I uploaded it without death scenes working correctly. Had that been graded by school I could’ve failed. Instead I was able to learn from messing up and then people reporting the death scenes didn’t work. Fixed it and learned from my mistake. Willingly asking to cripple our life learning skills like this is idiotic.
Then comes the funny part. People who say teachers make too much, when they don’t (and no they don’t get summer vacation pay unless they choose to take money from their regular paycheck to be held for summer pay), so they keep defunding teachers. Teachers are already overworked with many bringing work back home nightly and having to work a second job just to live. People want to keep throwing their parental jobs onto parents and cutting their pay. Schools are already over crowded and under funded. The last thing you need is someone stressed and tired teaching your kids life skills in that state. Many teachers can’t even teach academic skills in this state.
I don’t know how to end this! So, fuck it! Teach your kids life skills. If you can’t. Ask their friend’s parents you trust or their other family members. Ask your church leader or find a community out reach program. Fuck.